Matchmaking In Campaign

“Totally Unrelated Question 4: Can I haz Campaign Matchmaking?” “Totally Related Answer: Yes.”

The above was mixed in with Bungies weekly update and to be honest I’m not real sure how I feel about this. There will be no greater pleasure than to be at the end of the game on legendary and have some douche bag start betraying you and ruin the ending.

Now, I realize that is saying probably the worst case scenario that could happen with matchmaking in campaign. Thinking about it I can think of all sorts of situations that could be bad about matchmaking with strangers on campaign. Now, I also realize that Bungie has made it a separate playlist so you will only matchmake with people who are playing camping. I still don’t like it. Think about how many times you have played Halo 3 and found someone just in that playlist to fuck with everyone else.

I’m not saying that I’ll never use this feature, but I am a firm believer that when playing campaign you should normally play with people you know. Agreed?


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