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Okay everyone you all remember me from WTF BUNGIE!!! and Achievement Junkie. This is my best buddy don’t go to hard on him for his posts and such treat him like you do me. NO HATE MAIL!!! Oh and i might start doing more posts now. Don’t miss me to much. Lost_Ange1 is my successor here and might take over my fan base but oh well. 🙂
Lost_Angel: Well thank you shadow. Although I dont think the overkill intro was necessary, but incase you wanted to get to know me better im a CALL OF DUTY FAN. I play more of Modern warfare 1 and 2. Although I play more of MW2 than MW1, but aside from that, my name on here is just the same as it is in MW2 but if your an xbox freak, then you wont find me there. I’m Level 2 prestige, still working on lvl 10.
A lot of people brag about their levels on MW2, but the difference I see between MW2 and MW1 is that players on MW2 are way more concerned about their levels and their KD’s. While on MW1 everybody there is less concerned about what their KD’s are and more concerned about finding ways to have fun, and when players get on MW2 they see that players have high KD’s, so this ussually resorts to them pulling out a nube tube or useing a RPG, and every time I get on a map (such as rust for instance) I aint gonna lie, I’m part of a sniping clan and I know my ability with an Intervention is awesome but when someone gets pissed and sees that im on a kill streak, they just cut the bullshit and grab an RPG or a nube tuber and just grenade the shit out of me. (if only they can)
ShadowUltimatum: Don’t get conceded now buddy!!! People don’t like that shit!!
Lost_Angel: Alright alright, but people can at least admit that its annoying when people have to bring in some kind of weapon that deals with explosives. C4, RPG, and nube tubes….. really. The good news is, that when Black Ops comes out, theyre gonna cut down on that shit. Thats why its a relief to see that such noobs wont be manipulating another good game…
ShadowUltimatum: That shit will still exist but oh well. Dude the name of this post sucks. . . any suggestions Fans!?! By the way people I will right more with my friend here. Im Jason he is Erran and this is WTF BUNGIE!!! . . . i mean Whats Happening Dessert . . . Feat. ShadowUltimatum
P.S. please come back show my buddy some love and comment and make his first post popularity soar!! He will write on different subject and look for new posts by me including Achievement Junkie and various others