NinjaBee games struck gold back in 2008 with “A Kingdom for Keflings” on XBLA. The follow up “A World for Keflings” expanded the series in leaps and bounds. Now, NinjaBee has released the first DLC for AWoK and to say the least, it’s worth the wait.
“It came from Outer Space” adds an additional story to the game that proposes that aliens have landed in the World of the Keflings and they obviously need your help to get back home. The DLC brings back all the same addictive gameplay from the game. You use the Keflings to gather your resources and build objects based on blueprints that you get from the alien superiors. You play this DLC on a new area of the world. All new blueprints and all new resources make for all sorts of new fun. The play area I was given is kind of small considering the size of some of the things that you need to build. This combined with always respawning sand pits, make it hard to make space for items. This may not be an issue if you could move items early in the story, but you don’t receive the ability to do this until half way through or maybe even a little later. After you get the ability to move things the issue persists and allows you to build as you please.
The dialog and soundtrack in the game is just as bouncy and addictive as always. The Kefling humor that we’ve all come to know is all there in the writing. For example, you’re trying to help the alien race from the planet “Yurbut” Instead of having all your helper from the main story of the game you will only receive two at the beginning and mid way through the game you’ll find that another helper will make his way into the story to become a helper Kefling. All of the same gameplay mechanics and features remain in place. Leveling up workers and having the need to educate certain Keflings to make things active are all still there and like always adds a whole new level of thinking to how you may or may not play the game.
The game features new achievements along with the new story element added in. These will come along with DLC progression. Since the DLC also is considered as part of your world any achievements that you may not have gotten from playing through the first time or even if you’re playing it for the first time, all the regular game achievements can be unlocked by playing in the DLC as well. The DLC has a play time of about 2 to 4 hours if you go straight through it. Of course as with the rest of the game after you beat the story you have the option to continue building in your area or customize anything you may have already done. The DLC is also compatible to online co-op with your friends.
For the humble price of 320 MS points this DLC is 100% worth the asking price. It brings back all the fun and magic that the game had at launch and considering the long period between game release and now, it’s nice to have a reason to pick AWoK back up.