Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (Wii U)

8.5 Overall Score
Presentation: 7/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 9/10

Challenging yet addicting puzzles | Clever co-op play | Simple and straightforward controls

Presentation is acceptable but not exactly outstanding | Lack of tutorials for level editor

Stealth Inc. left quite an impression especially with its challenging puzzles and engaging gameplay on the Playstation 3 and Vita. Well now, the sequel, Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones, has just arrived. And considering it is currently an exclusive title for the Nintendo Wii U, we are about to explore how well this game will turn out.

You take control of a clone, represented by a short and stalky being wearing goggles, as you help it escape from the facility during a shutdown procedure. But watch out as there are various gadgets and traps waiting to kill you off. In addition, your nemesis, who happens to be an employee of the company striving for the top, actually guides you through the obstacles, although he’ll also give you some moments of teasing as he re-arranges the environment.


The simplistic visuals in Stealth Inc 2 is a mixed bag here. While the cut-scenes are made up of uninspired animations, the graphics during the gameplay do give some intrigue and enjoyment to the eyes. It’s not over the top, but overall, the visuals do the job well. A great implementation is the use of the Nintendo Wii U gamepad to display the map, which is very convenient at timesx. The soundtrack is also pretty adequate and transitions smoothly when you enter into different areas. It’s a good way to change the impression and atmosphere to the next environment.

In terms of controls, they consist of a set of basic moves, including running, jumping and hanging along hedges. As well, you are able to get your clone to hack and activate various terminals you come across. When you being, Stealth Inc 2 does a good job in acquainting you with the commands during the Test Chambers sequence. The control scheme is arranged logically while the movement feels smooth and accurate.

Later on, you will need to figure out on your own there are checkpoints that allow you to respawn, which you will really depend on considering the number of deaths that you’ll encounter. In fact, the challenges start to ramp up not too long into the game. Since there are various gadgets you will get your clone to work with, it’s a matter of figuring out the puzzles presented in each of the rooms you end up in.


As you progress further in Stealth Inc 2, interesting elements are being introduced. For instance, you can hack into the robots, which you can eventually control via the right analogue stick on the gamepad. Additionally, there are different platforms that add layers of both fun and mind-scratching difficulty be it in assisting in giving you higher jumps or helping you out in protecting yourself from harmful lasers. Regardless, the game will have you spending lots of time, though through trial and error, in determining the best solution, timing and execution. At some points, it can be frustrating, so perseverance is essential if you want to be able to continue on to the end.


A very good use of the Nintendo Wii U’s ability is the opportunity to play co-operatively. To illustrate, the Gamepad will have the player granted with the responsibilities of a hacker. In practice, the player holding the Gamepad controls the items while the other player using any other control scheme that the Nintendo Wii U has to offer takes control of the clone itself. For example, one may have to hack the items so as to prevent the clone from being detected from the enemies. In addition, there will be times where enemies will not appear on the TV screen and instead will need the Gamepad to help you out.  Alternatively, Stealth Inc 2 can allow you and another player to control two clones, in which case you will still be engaging in co-op gameplay.


Finally, a great addition to Stealth Inc 2 is the Level Editor tool. Here, you have autonomy in terms of the size of the room, the types of structures to use, the lighting, placement of switches and even including enemies. The drawback to this feature is that there is no tutorial to guide you through. But with patience, you can figure this out enough to bring out your creativity.

Stealth Inc 2 is a worthwhile sequel, even though its previous title never made it to the Nintendo Wii U. Still, it has a lot of special features and engaging gameplay that makes this game memorable and challenging. Essentially, you’ll want to “sneak” into the Nintendo eShop and grab yourself this magnificent game.


Author: jflux98 View all posts by
I am a hardcore gaming enthusiast for the Playstation 3, Vita, and Nintendo 3DS. My passion is to share my opinions and experience with the online community as well as help them find that special game. You can contact me via twitter @jflux98 or email me at