Ugly Americans: ApocalypseGeddon is a XBLA/PSN title that is based on the hit Comedy Central Show. The focus of the show is Mark Lilly, a social worker at the Department of Integration, in a alternate reality of New York City where he helps monsters and other creatures adapt to city living.
First off lets start by saying if you go into the game expecting a Ugly Americans story you will be pleased. The story starts off with Mark and friends sitting around the DOI when Twayne gives Mark a case to find out what is going on in New York. Then Mark finds out that music sung by the artist Desdemona is turning the citizens of New York hostile and must find a way to stop it.
When you start the game you get to choose between four character’s the Succubus Callie Maggotbone,
Mark Lilly, the rarely sober Leonard Powers and the tougher than leather, more mustachioed than Selleck Francis Grimes. This game is a twin stick shooter and has very simple controls the only other buttons you need to know besides for the two control sticks is the R button which makes use of the characters special move and the Y/Triangle which revives a fallen comrade. They do add a few addations to spice up the gameplay, for example they have some RPG elements in which your character levels up and you can put points into six different stats. Your character can level up to 60. Also characters have different stats for each weapon they use. for example Mark is stronger with the baseball while Grimes is stronger with a gasoline tank. These elements are basic and aren’t anything to write home about.
Ok, time to talk to little about the sound in the game. The guns sound great when they fire and the voice overs are very good and all done by the original cast. However their are a few problems, for example their are only a few music tracks to be heard in the game and most are repeated more than once. Also the music can be hard to hear over the action in the game, That being said this is not a major problem and does not destract from the overall enjoyability. While playing the game’s character’s will spit out one liners most are funny and others not so much. However their aren’t very many of them and they tend to repeat a lot.
Ugly Americans ApocalypseGeddon can be alot of fun but painfully hard at the same time. The game is very much intended for co-op play as some of the bosses can be ridiculously hard solo. This game does have a matchmaking system in where you can search for three other people to play with. However when you do find some friends to play with this game is very fun and is about 3-4 hours of action. This one is worth looking into but if your not familer with the show it might be better to try it before you buy.