Fable 2

I thought for a long time on what I should call this post.  I have a lot to say about a of of things.  All of it has to do with Fable 2.  So in starting to read this blog expect a long post, and no I’m not going to separate to a separate page.  I want it to all be right here on the front page.

To begin with I am a Fable fan and have been since the original game.  I can promise you that I will put my feelings for the game aside in this post.  The first player reviews I heard from this game and for that matter am still hearing is that it’s too short.  Well I’m going to call BULL**** on that one.  It may be short if you do nothing but but the main questline.  I mean ‘do’ nothing find nothing, do no side quests, don’t go for any jobs or have any fun with the game and yeah it may be too short.  If you do all those things though I don’t think you can call 40 hours of game play ‘too short’.

JeÅ›li zauważysz jakiÅ› post naruszajÄ…cy regulamin, nie aptekaleki24 wahaj siÄ™ go od razu zgÅ‚osić. Leki, przy których należy bezwzglÄ™dnie zaprzestać spożywania alkoholu to. Jak wspomniano na ich stronie internetowej, maxigra go jest dostÄ™pny w trzech różnych dawkach – 1mg, 1mg i 1mg.

The thing I want to know is at what point do people call themselves gamers when all you do is the bare minimum in a game and then spit out half-witted opinions for the world to hear?  I know everyone doesn’t agree with my opinion and I would not expect everyone to.  I am surprised that anyone does to be honest.  The thing is when I give my opinion I get all the facts that I can to back it up for the simple reason I don’t want to embarrass myself.  So I guess what I’m trying to say is if you are a person who does this or a person who said that Fable 2 was too short…SHUT UP!  If you don’t like the game fine, but at the very least give a reasonable cause as to why instead of rushing through a game so you can be the first to open your mouth.

Now that I have picked on the gamers I will focus my attention to Lionhead.  How can a game that has been in development as long as this game feel rushed from the first time I picked up the controller?  The glitches, the last time I check there where almost 30 documented and almost half of those where game breaking glitches.  There is no excuse for that in a game as high profile as this one.  Also another problem I had was one of the selling points to the game for a lot of people.  The co-op.  What happened there?  I can deal with the fact that you have to use a henchman and not your character.  Even though you can’t really ‘experience’ the game together as good with this formula.  The thing that eats my ass is having to share a screen on a game that is based on a open world formula.

The orbs are another story.  I think the orbs may be one of the coolest ideas in any game I have ever seen.  The idea of having what is almost like a lobby with people who are playing the game at the same spot you are is amazing.  You can freely help other people and so on so forth.  On the other hand that’s where problems come into play.  It is really easy to cheat in that way.  I will not give any examples, but there almost endless possibilities for how you can take advantage of this system.  I also like the idea of having almost half the achievements on the game to be viral as long as your in co-op.  Once again it takes some of the challenge out of the game.  That has it’s flaws as well, but still nice ideas.

All and all I think the game turned out nicely and I think the problems will be dealt with via patch.  All except the ‘too short’ people that are out there, but I won’t get started again.  I would highly recommend picking this game up as it is a load of fun.  There are several ways to manipulate the game.  If you can hold your self back from doing such things you will have 3 play throughs of the game and it has a high replay value.  For sure worth the 60 dollars.


Author: Eric Baumgardner View all posts by
I operate this site. I also have been gaming for 23 years. I am an Xbox LIVE Ambassador and an Xbox Community Xpert. Need anything find me on Twitter @junegore or email me at junegore@jgghgames.com

2 Comments on "Fable 2"

  1. droolingtiger October 26, 2008 at 6:57 pm -

    Okay I loooove this post gore and hits some points right on the head.

    I had also looked very forward to the co-op in the game that was ‘supposed’ to change the way co-op has ever been played in a game…..I was very let down. Sure henchies are ‘fun’ in the sense that you can help people….not being able to experience the story or allllll those other side-quests together in the ‘true’ sense sucks though, big time. (for me anyway)

    Great game if you would rather end up just doing single player.

    Oh yeah, the orbs ‘idea’….too funny with some of the faces you see ‘floating’ around towns. lol I have giggled my butt off at some of them. Would be cooler to see people’s actual characters but the orbs are ok and ‘different’.

    I also got to hate when other players could just up and jump into your game if they wanted to and screw everything you had going up. So am thankful for the option of turning that off in the game. ;0)

    I have had nothing but issues with my xbox after the patch came out for Fable 2….360 not reading the disc and so on….although probably REALLY the stinkin cheap xbox disc readers they use now days but that is a different story and one gore touched upon in here already.

    Anyway, all in all, Fable 2 is a blast to play and I haven’t stayed up really late just to play a game like that since BO first came out. A little bit after I post my ‘comment’, I just HAVE to get back in it and play. (well at least til dinner time comes around when I get to cook and watch a movie and get all fidgety because I will rather be in here playing Fable lol)

    There are people who love rushing through anything and then turning around to complain….they are called saboteurs for a reason…you know the saying ‘misery loves company’…those types of people are never satisfied with ANYTHING and are always ready to tear things down so other won’t get their enjoyment out of it. Am just glad I could care less what ‘critics’ say….I will try it my damn self and go from there, so everyone else can bite me. *sweet smiles*

  2. droolingtiger October 26, 2008 at 1:57 pm -

    Okay I loooove this post gore and hits some points right on the head.

    I had also looked very forward to the co-op in the game that was ‘supposed’ to change the way co-op has ever been played in a game…..I was very let down. Sure henchies are ‘fun’ in the sense that you can help people….not being able to experience the story or allllll those other side-quests together in the ‘true’ sense sucks though, big time. (for me anyway)

    Great game if you would rather end up just doing single player.

    Oh yeah, the orbs ‘idea’….too funny with some of the faces you see ‘floating’ around towns. lol I have giggled my butt off at some of them. Would be cooler to see people’s actual characters but the orbs are ok and ‘different’.

    I also got to hate when other players could just up and jump into your game if they wanted to and screw everything you had going up. So am thankful for the option of turning that off in the game. ;0)

    I have had nothing but issues with my xbox after the patch came out for Fable 2….360 not reading the disc and so on….although probably REALLY the stinkin cheap xbox disc readers they use now days but that is a different story and one gore touched upon in here already.

    Anyway, all in all, Fable 2 is a blast to play and I haven’t stayed up really late just to play a game like that since BO first came out. A little bit after I post my ‘comment’, I just HAVE to get back in it and play. (well at least til dinner time comes around when I get to cook and watch a movie and get all fidgety because I will rather be in here playing Fable lol)

    There are people who love rushing through anything and then turning around to complain….they are called saboteurs for a reason…you know the saying ‘misery loves company’…those types of people are never satisfied with ANYTHING and are always ready to tear things down so other won’t get their enjoyment out of it. Am just glad I could care less what ‘critics’ say….I will try it my damn self and go from there, so everyone else can bite me. *sweet smiles*