With the recent announcement of the fourth Pirates movie titled “On Stranger Tides” I thought I would sit down and watch the first 3 movies on Blu-Ray. To be honest I forgot just how amazing they where.
To start with I think just about everyone has seen these movies. If you have not seen these movies you should. Point being is I’m not going to provide story or plot and there very well could be spoilers. So read at your own risk. Theses movies really look and sound amazing on standard DVD so to watch them on Blu-Ray is a whole different animal. The imagery is just candy for your eyes. Scenes in the movie like the Kraken taking down the ship with Will on it. It looks almost real! I was very impressed with just how crisp and clear the colors are. The cinematography in this movie is amazing and to watch it in HD is really un-describable. On to the next joy of Blu-Ray. Uncompressed sound.
After I turned this option on I was blown away at just how much watching a movie in 6.1 can be. Every cannon shot and every sword hit sounds like it’s happening right in the same room you are setting in. When you add together the sound and the visuals of these great movies on Blu-Ray you get a watching experience un-like any other. I also think a lot of the quality is because of it being Disney. I have several Disney Blu-Rays and it seems that most of them are very good quality. That being said I think I will re-visit my catalog in the coming days. If you have a Blu-Ray player or a Ps3 be sure to pick up these movies.