March 19: Perfect Dark HD Game Night

Come play with on Friday March 19 for our Perfect Dar HD game night. The event will start at the usual 11 Pm Est. We will play for as long as everyone wants to play. One thing I have noticed in the past few game nights is we always seem to play for a few hours on the featured game and always migrate to something else. So try to come play with us in Perfect Dark HD and then move on to….what ever.

If you plan to play PLEASE leave your gamer tag in the comments below. I need to know who to send invies to. If you don’t leave them there. Send me your tag on Twitter with the tag #jgghperfectdark I think you should all know me on Twitter but if not leave it with either @jggh or @juneogre.


Author: Eric Baumgardner View all posts by
I operate this site. I also have been gaming for 23 years. I am an Xbox LIVE Ambassador and an Xbox Community Xpert. Need anything find me on Twitter @junegore or email me at