Check back here as this post is updated with all the news, as it happens.
- FourZeroTwo takes the stage, playing through an underwater MW3 level.
- The player steps out into what seems to be New York under siege. EPIC!
- We see the return of a few weapons: AK74-u P90 etc
- B reach slow-mo scenes are back
- Speedboating through a watery warzone, with the epic cityscape behind.
- A bit of an anti-climax, but it’s over. The lead designer of Sledgehammer Games takes the stage, only for a small speech.
- Xbox Television is mentioned… that wasn’t expected.
- Lead Designer of Crystal Dynamics take the stage, starts a Tomb Raider demo. Boy it looks beautiful
- These graphics are AMAZING!
- Seems to be a lot more dark and sinister than past games, maybe that’s a good thing.
- Jheez, Lara loves making over exaggerated sex noises.
- I’ve never been a fan of Tomb Raider, but ZOMG I want that.
- EA Sports president takes the stage, don’t look for my opinions on this, I hate sports games.
- 4 New EAS games will use Kinect, including Fifa… exciting.
- Mass Effect Time
- Earth has been taken *gasp*
- ME3 Will use Kinect voice recognition, could it work!?
- Ah, not as I expected, you say a command on screen to choose, not free speech. Still ok I guess.
- ooh, you can say commands in battle to command your teammates. That’s more like it.
- Ghost Recon, not seen this for a while.
- Ubisoft CEO takes the stage, more Kinect in games. Showing off ‘Gunsmith’ in GR to customise a weapon. Actually, surprisingly good.
- Voice commands, ‘optimise for…’ selects a premade weapon, and ‘randomise’ too.
- Shows shooting with Kinect, not as I expected it to be used, but it could work.
- Xbox Live guy on he stage. Looks so very like WP7, is it a new dashboard, or just for Kinect?
- Expect a lot more entertainment. OMG YOUTUBE COMING TO OUR DASHBOARDS *squeeeee*
- Bing on Xbox too, not internet, but a search thing for the Xbox. Amazing, *faints*
- Lots more parnerships to come!
- Live TV on Xbox. ZOMG it’s worldwide this time too!
- UFC guy comes on, again, don’t expect much from me.
- Imagine a social game you play whilst watching TV, basically place friendly bets with your friends during live TV.
- Everything coming up is Xbox exclusive. Gears 3 first, with that beautiful campaign trailer.
- CliffyB Â takes the stage, my hero.
- Playing through Campaign with Ice T
- They seem to be fighting a giant sea monster, classic Gears style.
- One of the characters get in a mech, called ‘Walking Cover’, could be interesting.
- They fight the seam monster, explosions, emulsion, classing Gears.
- They attack the monster by dumping Tickers on it, big explosion, silly Cole.
- Unusual trailer plays, seems a little too violent for Fable.
- *Sigh* a Kinect game, yes, again. Fighing Romans, called Ryse.
- Halo: CE remade in HD, now we’re talking.
- Forza 4, you could call it sport, so don’t expect much from me. I’m guessing it’s Kinect.
- Yeap.
- But I must say, the graphics are great. Really crisp and realistic.
- Headtracking?! That’s a cool feature.
- Here comes Peter Molyneux
- Fable yay! Lemme guess, Kinect?
- Theresa looks different.
- Yep, Kinect, *groan*
- Casting spells with your hands. It looks like one of those old ‘Plug in and Play’ games you’d stick in your TV and it’d move for you etc.
- Too gimmicky for me.
- Minecraft on Xbox, cool! Hope it’s not Kinect only.
- A Microsoft Disney collaboration, interesting.
- Star Wars Kinect! Looks as clunky and laggy as the leaked demo, but it could work.
- It just seems really slow paced.
- Good ol’ Tim Schaffer takes the stage, Sesame Street time!
- Aww, father and son playing, that’s real cute!
- Looks fun for little kids, characters parents can remember too.
- Kudo comes back. Mentions Ricochet, makes me want it.
- Kinect Fun Labs! Imagine indie games, but for Kinect. Allows games and things created on PC to be used on Xbox. All the mods can finally be used!
- Kinect Avatar creator. Wow, it actually works, and somehow copies your clothes!
- Finger tracking now. Allows you to… draw. Can rotate your drawing, to view it in 3D.
- Mentions what could that be!?
- Insert your own objects into your games! Nice. I’m sure we saw this last year, but now it actually works! And it looks damn good.
- Surprise!! Kinect Fun Labs available now, go get it!
- Kinect Sports: Season 2 revealed. Nice.
- 6 new sports, new gestures, and voice control.
- Golf demo, and it’s looking good!
- Football demo, and they choose their play, quite cool.
- It actually works really well, the running, throwing, showboating  etc. Looks quite good.
- Dance Central 2 comes on, boasting a out the largest music selection in a dance game
- Also, now allows multiplayer dancing.
- Demonstrate with professional dancers, how cool!
- A new project!?
- A voice screaming. Heart beating. “JOHN” “CHEIF”
- ZOMG YES IT’S HALO 4 (tries to sound surprised)
And with that it’s over. Do y’all want me to cover G4TV stuff? Say so in the comments.