It’s Back!!! WTF BUNGIE!!!


Ok trying this on my phone not a good thing it limits my characters. So i got ungrounded day before yesterday and almost broke my hand today but that isn’t stopping me now HAHA!!! Sorry insanity moment. Whats the topic again  . . . . (looking up at top of page) Oh yeah thats right.

So this happens to everybody but still ticks me off lets say your playing Team Slayer on Guardian 4v4 at lets say 4:36 in Tennessee in Putnam county in a little time . . . wait a minute to much information (Aliens probing your mind deleting information . . . opps deleted your name and memory of your first kiss :P) ok well your playing on guardian, and its 49 to 49 and well, the connection host leaves which you know everyone hates cause you gotta re-load and all that fun stuff. Especially when your lagging but now to my point so that happens before that happens your standing in the direct middle of guardian after connection host leaves your screen re-loads and once it re-loads you fall to your death.

WTF BUNGIE!!! How did that happen I really don’t enjoy that when i reload i dont wanna have to wait for a 14 second spawn to go by i mean seriously WTF HAPPENED!!! Then you lose the game cause you falling to your death counts as a suicide or if someone was shooting you before the host left and you fall to your death resulting in that guys kill seriously thought Bungie please try to fix that its annoying as hell i love your game but that BLOWS!!!!

Im ShadowUltimatum (A.K.A Abyssmalshadow7[My new Gamertag]) Love you guys 😛 add me everyone


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