Signing Off…

About 10 months ago I came up with this idea to take a step back as far as my position here at jggh Games. Yes, I founded and ran the place for over 3 years, pretty much alone. In my opinion, I thought the site could go further if a fresh mind took over. Well, that plan fell through about 3 months ago. Little did I know that come mid December my time here would be finished anyway.

You may be wondering the lack on content and re-scheduling of events have been about well, due to overwhelming personal reasons that range from monetary issues all the way to most importantly health issues, I’m saying today with lots of emotion that this post will be one of, if not the last thing I write on jggh Games. Over the next two or three months I’ll be going through lots of life and personal turmoil and jggh, for the first time in almost 4 years just does not fit into the plan. Luckily, I have made some great friends and awesome supporters along the way. The site will be left in the very capable hands of DntMessWitRohan (Rohan Pinto) and Chainer will be sticking around and the future of jggh Games will be decided by what these guys want to do and where to take it.

There does not seem to be a whole lot more to say, but I do want to stress that this place started off as my own gaming blog and has grew into more than I ever thought it would. We had failures and success, and it’s not all been a party. But I can say that for every bad time there have been 5 good ones. All the growth and good times have only happened because of all of you. Rather it was friends I made or new people discovering our site, it’s been one of the most thrilling and fun things I’ve ever had the privilege of doing. Maybe with all luck, in a couple of months I’ll be back, but I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to take the role I used to have here. Either way if I can come back or not it’s been a pleasure to do this for the time I have and I hope that in my absence you will all still be around to see what the next step is in jggh with new minds and faces behind the whole thing. So I guess what I’m blathering on to say is just simply, Thanks!


Author: Eric Baumgardner View all posts by
I operate this site. I also have been gaming for 23 years. I am an Xbox LIVE Ambassador and an Xbox Community Xpert. Need anything find me on Twitter @junegore or email me at