No Activity???

I know most people are shy and don’t like to post anything but just because Eric is on a hiatus doen’t mean the site is suppose to be dead. Get your comments and thoughts out there! Yes he runs the site but there are a lot of cool people that visit the site on a regular basis and want to hear what YOU have to say.

Now my first post I was terrified at what people would think and checked my post out probably a thousand times before actually submitting it for review. Now I am just a perfectionist so yea I checked over my first few posts a crazy amount of times. To get your thoughts out there you have to register with the site if you haven’t already and once you have either registered or you are logged in just look on the left sidebar for Site Admin. Look around in the wordpress and get a feel for it. Once your game to start typing just look for the posts tab and select add new and just type away. Now if your not a writer for like myself your post will not automatically go up on the front page… it has to be reviewed by Eric before it can be published.

Now I know this post seems a bit childish but I know of several people that would love to post but either don’t have the resourses to do so or just cant figure out how to. Note that there hasn’t been any new post up for a while and the site needs everyones input. The site would be absolutly nothing without its members and if you just sit on the side and look at everything how do you get your feelings about that “something” get out? Anyway this concludes this post peace out everyone.

Think. Live. Game.


Doug Kuhn, Event Director


Author: Doug View all posts by
Gamertag:Strictly Savage Plays Grifball on Halo:Reach E-3(A1C) in the United States Air Force I started playing games when I was about 13 years old so that would make me playing games for 8 years so far. Started out with ps2 and got my first xbox and wore out Halo 3. First Person Shooters are my games. On Twitter (@Strictly_Savage) hit me up for more info.