I guess this can be considered my first one even though i already made one. This is WTF BUNGIE!!! So Bungie what do you have to so about yourself you have great games but faulty against lag and all that. . . No no excuses Bungie. Today i was playing my Halo it was on forge alone on local so no one could join on Sandbox and i had nothing but a wall spawned and then a big red dot went flying by my radar WTF IS THAT BUNGIE!!! YOUR MAKING GHOST TO MESS ME UP WTF. To all those that this is happening i believe this is the way Bungie steals your map ideas cause you know they do it someway. Tune in tomorrow for my next WTF BUNGIE!!! of the day thank you for veiwing my GT is ShadowUltimatum ( just call me Shadow or Jason) im out.


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